Showing posts with label abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abuse. Show all posts

February 11, 2013

Healthcare Fraud Recovery $4.2B for 2012

Attorney General Eric Holder and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius released a report today indicating that for every $1 spent on healthcare fraud and abuse recovery, $7.90 has been returned to the treasury over the past three years. With the Obama administration making recovery a top priority, this is the highest level of return in the 16-year history of the program.

Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team (HEAT) was created in 2009 to reduce fraud, waste and abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid programs and to crack down on individuals and organizations that are bleeding the system. Last year, the Justice Department opened 1,131 new criminal fraud investigations involving as many as 2,148 defendants. Convictions have been achieved on 826 defendants in fraud-related crimes during the year. In the same year, the department opened 885 new civil investigations.

In 2012, CMS began screening all 1.5 million Medicare-enrolled providers through the new Automated Provider Screening system. APS fingers ineligible and potentially fraudulent providers and suppliers prior to enrollment or revalidation. Nearly 150,000 ineligible providers have been eliminated from Medicare’s billing system so far. 

CarePrecise's standard database of healthcare providers includes a field that indicates providers who may still be active, but have been added to the federal List of Excluded Individuals and Entities, tying excluded providers to their NPI numbers.

February 1, 2013

15 Types of Medical Billing Fraud & Abuse

Estimates of U.S. medical fraud and abuse go as high as $80 billion. It contributes significantly to rising healthcare and insurance costs.  The complexity and fragmentation of the American healthcare billing landscape is frequently a culprit makes fraud and abuse easier to commit and more difficult to detect.

One of our long-time clients, PayerFusion, has just published an article on its blog highlighting fifteen different forms of fraud and abuse, including upcoding, cloning, phantom billing, and a dozen more. Read the article for useful and timely information on this important subject.

CarePrecise provides software, data and services employed by law enforcement, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in ongoing investigations. To report fraud or abuse, go to
CarePrecise encourages you to attend the Big Data for Healthcare Forum, April 29 - May 1, 2013.